Interested Chess Lovers can sponsor AP OPEN ONLINE TOUR NAMENTS under following conditions. 

1. Prize money should be more than 10,000/-

2. No entry fee to be charged from  registered players of Andhra Pradesh.

3. Tournament will be organised in TORNELO (online ) platform with zoom surviellance.

4. Ad-hoc committee will provide Technical support ( zoom link, tornelo link)

5. Organiser can opt their Arbiter ( not below the rank of Sr. National Arbiter)

6. Ad-hoc committee will provide Fairplay Committee.

7. Rounds and timings according to convenience of Sposor.

8. No need of any payment to Adhoc committee for organising tournament.

9. Prize money should be paid through digital module immediately after completion of tournament final round.

10. Sponsor can design 1st page of the brochure according to their wish.

11. only apchess.org registered users are allowed to participate who got registered for the particular tournament.

12. entries are subject acceptance of adhoc committee

interested person can mail to apchesswebsite@gmail.com (or) contact directly 9912559735 ( Mr Bheemarao, Member Adhoc committee)